The Bonsai Bai Me Experience.

This experience consists of 4 main steps! The class is not taught to the whole room at the same time, but rather each table/group will go at their own pace with the help of their instructor.

The $15/person Studio Fee will be paid online at the time of booking and it covers all instruction, soil, decoration rocks, and tools used in the class. Once you arrive at Bonsai Bai Me you will pick your tree/pot. For tree/pot pricing please click here.

For information on what the Bonsai Experience entails, please enjoy the video below.


The first step in the process includes un-potting and repotting your tree. With the help of your instructor you will remove your tree from its plastic pot and use our tools to get rid of the potting soil and expose the roots beneath the soil. 

Next you will use the Bonsai soil we provide to repot your tree inside the pot you chose. We will check your soil and make sure it is a healthy consistency for your tree. 

Step 1


The second step in the process requires trimming. We will explain the way your specific tree grows and how to trim it to inspire fuller growth and health through time. Using our tools you will then make cuts to the foliage of your tree, and we are happy to give our recommendations.

Step 2


The third step of the process allows you a chance to decorate around the base of your tree! We will provide all rocks, moss, pebbles etc. of a wide variety for you to use included in your studio fee!

Step 3


In this final step we will go over after-care instructions to make sure you leave feeling well prepared to care for your tree. All after-care instructions are posted to our website for you to refer to as much as needed.

Step 4

Before you leave feel free to ask your instructor for pictures to document your experience! When you are all finished, your instructor will be your cashier.